- 今天谁作感恩祷告? Who'll say grace today?
- 作感恩祷告 return thanks
- 今天晚上谁作指挥? Who is conducting this evening?
- 作 to regard as
- 今天谁主持? Who is in the chair today?
- 卢克修士将做感恩祷告. Brother Luke will say grace.
- 今天谁值班? Who's on duty today?
- 感恩 thanksgiving
- 谁作决定? Which one of you calls the shots?
- 饭前或饭后的短暂感恩祷告 a short prayer said before or after a meal
- 今天谁看管这婴儿? Who is in charge of this baby today?
- 感恩的 indebted
- 他们选谁作他们的新国会议员? Who did they choose to be[as]their new member of Parliament?
- 从今天起 from this day onwards
- 作词 write words
- 卢克修士将做感恩祷告。 Brother Luke will say grace.
- 作表 tabulation
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 我们每餐饭前都做感恩祷告。 We say grace before every meal.
- 谁也 anyone