- 今天有我的信吗? Be there any mail for me today?
- 今天早上有我的信吗? Were there any letters for me this morning?
- 今天上午有我的信吗? Has any post come for me this morning?
- 是的,我实在是饿了。今天有什么特色菜吗?有没有特别的推荐? Yes,please. I am very hungry. What's special today? Any special recommendations?
- 我郑重其事地说:“毕蒂,我要做个上等人,自有我的理由。” "Biddy," said I, with some severity,"I have particular reasons for wanting to be a gentleman."
- 有我的信吗? Are there any letters for me?
- 但是这个突然的景象提醒了我昨天的广播说今天有火警预演。 But this sudden situation reminded me of the broadcasting of last night informing us of this coming fire rehearse.
- 今天有我的信件吗? Has any post come for me today?
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?" "You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 有没有我的信? Are there any letters for me?
- 今天有人冤枉我,我既气愤又伤心,对与不公正的评价大家有什么看法? Today some people treat me unjustly , me both indignantly and are sad, what view to has with unfair appraisal to everybody?
- 既便有不信的,这有何妨呢。难道他们的不信,就废掉神的信吗。 For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
- 我在黑板上看到我的名字,肯定有我的汇款。 I find my name on the blackboard. I must have got a remittance.
- "她没有给我回信。事实是,她甚至没有看过我的信。" She didn't answer my letter. The fact is she didn't even read it.
- 今天有我的电话吗? Did I get any calls today?
- 罗马书3:3即便有不信的,这有何妨呢?难道他们的不信就废掉神的信吗? 3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
- 我的论点有我自己的经验作为根据。 My argument was grounded on my own experience.
- 今天有要给我的邮件吗? Mike: Any snail mail for me today?
- 莫莉,你可以读一下我刚刚写好的求职信吗?我想知道你的意见。 Molly, would you please read this letter of application I've just written? I'd like to have your opinion.
- 我希望能在欧洲某地接到您的来信,您有我的旅行路线。 I shall hope to find a letter from you somewhere in Europe. You have my itinerary.