- 今天你推荐什么沙拉? What do you recommend today?
- 你推荐什么? What would you recommend?
- 什么 what
- 今天 today
- 汤姆: 你喜欢什么沙拉呢? And what kind of salad do you like?
- 你推荐什么(酒/意大利面/甜食)? A: What (wine/ pasta/ dessert) do you recommend?
- 你推荐什么? What do you recommend?
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 今天你好像很快活似的! You seem very chirpy today!
- 什么时候 when
- 今天你看来精神不错。 You seem to be pretty well today.
- 你推荐哪一个? What can this do that this can not?
- 今天你同意一块吃饭吗? Do you agree to have a dinner today?
- 你想推荐什么甜食? What would you recommend for dessert?
- 今天你去看棒球赛吗? Will you see a baseball game today?
- 我可以为您推荐什么吗? May I recommend anything for you?
- 我向你推荐本部出色的推销员王长明先生到贵公司谋职。 I'd like to recommend to you Mr. Wang changing,an excellent salesperson in our department,for working in your company.
- 今天你有些什么活动? What is the program for today?
- 你想推荐什么办法呢? What course of action would you recommend?
- 以往你就不大能够按常情判断是非,今天你可有点太过分了。 Commonsense was never your strong point; but is a little too much.