- 什麽时候吃午饭? 我都快饿死了! When's lunch? I'm famished!
- 什麽时候吃午饭? 我都快饿死了! When's lunch? I'm famished!
- 赖瑞:那药片什麽时候吃呢? Larry: When do I take the tablets?
- 什麽时候吃午饭?我都快饿死了! When's lunch? I'm famished!
- 你什麽时候发现丢了钱包的? When did you first miss your purse?
- 下次你什麽时候北上苏格兰? When are you next going up to Scotland?
- 这项计画什麽时候实施? When does the plan come into operation?
- 你能查问出火车什麽时候开吗? Can you find out what time the train leaves?
- 音乐会什麽时候开始? When does the concert begin?
- 雨什麽时候才能小些? Will the rain ever let up?
- 你什麽时候用餐? What time do you feed?
- 你的案子什麽时候开庭审讯? When does your case come before the court?
- 唉呀!老兄!这个地方真是脏乱得不像话。你上回打扫房间是什麽时候哇? A: Oh, man. This place is an absolute armpit! When was the last time you cleaned your room?
- 这些旧果酱瓶子应当留一留,说不定什麽时候会用得著。 You should keep those old jam jars you never know when you might need them.
- 他们什麽时候才把盥洗室装饰好? When will they finish the decoration of the bathroom?
- 你打算什麽时候使用剩余的年假? When will you take the balance of your annual leave?
- 你(早上)什麽时候起床? What time do you get up (in the morning)?
- 送到洗衣店的衣服什麽时候取回来? When does the wash come back from the laundry?
- 租约什麽时候期满? When does the lease expire?
- 你什麽时候下班? What time do you knock off (work)?