- 什么,你要杀死他吗? What, are you gonna kill him?
- 什么 what
- 人要杀死老虎的时候,他称之为消遣;当老虎要杀死他的时候,却称之为凶残。 When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport;when a tiger wants to murder him,he calls it ferocity.
- 你要留言给他吗? May I take a message for him?
- 第二天他们见面了,哈姆雷特把国王计划在英格兰要杀死他的事告诉了荷瑞修。 The following day they met, and Hamlet told Horatio that the king had planned to kill him in England.
- 接下来你要干什么? What will you do next?
- 把一个梦游者弄醒会杀死他吗?看看专家是怎么说的。 Fact or fiction: waking a sleepwalker may kill them.
- 你还没有看透他吗?他帮不了你什么,只会怂恿你干些非法的事情。 Haven't you seen through him? He can help you with nothing but abet you in these illegal activities.
- 难道你要杀死你自己的外孙吗? Would you put your own grandson to death?
- 你要打他吗? Are you gonna beat him?
- 她甚至说她要杀死他。 She went to the length of saying that she would kill him.
- 你还没有看透他吗?他帮不了你什么,只会怂恿你干些非法的事情。 Didn't you see him through ? He can help you nothing , but just abet you to do the illegal things.
- 你要什么啤酒? What kinds of ale would you like?
- 我要杀死他。我要揍死他。 I'll kill her. I'll knock the living daylights out of her.
- 你要我来除去鱼的内脏吗? Would you like me to gill the fish?
- 上天作证,我一定要杀死他。 By Heavens, I will have his heart's blood.
- 不可以!菲比!你忘了你是什么原因甩的他吗? No! Phoebes! Don't you remember why you dumped the guy?
- 上天作证,我一定要杀死他。 By Heavens, I will have his heart's blood.
- 表示你要什么。 State what you want.
- 小偷吓唬总经理,说要杀死他。 The thieves intimidated the general manager by saying that they would kill him.