- 什么类型的计算机?我们有三种非常流行的样式。 What type of computer? We have three very popular models.
- 计算机 computer
- 什么 what
- 现在您可以决定什么类型的链接栏最适合您的Web站点了。 Now it's up to you to decide what type of link bar is best for your Web site.
- 你想找什么类型的公寓? What kind of apartment are you looking for?
- 您要安装哪种类型的计算机? What type of computer are you setting up?
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 在不同类型的计算机之间共享磁盘不太容易。 Sharing disks between different types of computers is not easy.
- 但通常的经验做法是阻断一切,然后,开始选择你将允许什么类型的通信。 But a common rule of thumb[3 is to block everything, then begin to select what types of traffic you will allow.
- 没有什么 there's nothing ( ... about it)
- 一种会自动攻击新程序的计算机免疫系统,显然是不现实的。 A computer immune system that automatically attacks new programs clearly won't do the job.
- 鸡和鸭是两种类型的家禽。 Chicken and ducks are two types of fowl.
- 有些时候,程序员必须时刻留意准备处理的是什么类型。 Sometimes the programmer must be constantly aware of what type of manipulation is going on.
- 我不熟悉这种类型的计算机. I'm unfamiliar with this type of computer.
- 在单独的计算机上运行报表服务器可减少处理资源的竞争。 Running the report server on a separate computer can reduce competition for processing resources.
- 申请使用大学教室或设施的具体程序取决于你要举办什么类型的活动。 The procedure for requesting a University classroom or facility depends on the type of event you are planning.
- 如果试图在没有用户登录到控制台的计算机上进行实时调试,将发生此错误。 This error occurs if you attempt to do Just-In-Time debugging on a machine where there is no user logged onto the console.
- 你最喜欢什么类型的音乐? What sort of music do you like the most?
- 我那庞大的、早期的计算机只适合写文章和玩纸牌游戏,就这些。 My gargantuan,pristine machine was good for writing papers and playing solitaire,and that was all.