- 什么是较好的解释爆发? What best explains the outbreak?
- 那是较好的就业前景与搬走并远离朋友的不便之间的矛盾。 It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.
- 摘要长江中下游干流河道内的砂石是较好的建筑和填筑材料。 The sand and gravel in the Yangtze river is good building and filling materials.
- 那末,什么是中华民族的新政治、新经济,又什么是中华民族的新文化呢? What,then,are the new politics and the new economy of the Chinese nation,and what is its new culture?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 我能想到最好的解释办法是类推法。 The best way I can think of to explain this is by analogy.
- 什么是最好的pda-掌上电脑找到你新。 What Is The Best pda- Find Your New Pocket PC One of the most frequently heard questions is also one of the hardest to answer.The question is.
- 我想B方案是较好的选择。 I think option B is the best alternative.
- 解释什么是在古老近东的宗主附庸条约。 Explain what a suzerain-vassal treaty was in the ancient Near East.
- 保持会阴部清洁是较困难的,尤其是对于那些还不能自己控制大小便的小儿。 Perineal protection is more difficult to achieve, especially if the child is not toilet trained.
- 作为一个女巫,意味着懂得什么是好的和正确的; To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good.
- 如果源的位置不更改,则直接配置是较好的选择。 Direct configurations are a better choice when the location of the source does not change.
- 我们以较好的道路来弥补较远距离带来之不便。 We offset the better roads against the greater distance.
- 十三大报告要在理论上阐述什么是社会主义,讲清楚我们的改革是不是社会主义。 The report to be delivered at the Thirteenth National Party Congress should elaborate the theory of socialism and make it clear that our reform is socialist.
- 例如,如果您想在模式中指定小时,则指定较宽的形式“HH”而不是较狭隘的形式“H”。 For example, if you want to specify hours in the pattern, specify the wider form, "HH", instead of the narrower form, "H".
- 两本书中较好的一本 the better of the two books
- 本文将探讨试验设计的基本原理,解释和研究到底什么是试验设计的效率? Many popular methods in experimental designs are only for the efficiency which can be calculated by optimizing some criterion function under a relevant mathematical model.
- 有较好的管理概念 Potential Requirement - Have good management concept.
- 什么是”正确理解的私益原则?”它又如何对抗个人主义? What is "the doctrine of self-interest properly understood"? How does it combat individualism?
- 近年,成绩较好的只有《男人四十》。 Her comparatively good movie of recent years is [July Rhapsody].