- 什么是社会形象化? What is social visualization?
- 1导论:什么是社会形象化? Introduction: What is Social Visualization?
- 什么是社会发展的动力? What is the driving force for social advance?
- 什么是社会保险基金? What is social insurance fund?
- 都已尝过,便真正知道什么是文学,什么不是文学,无须读手册也。 When he has tasted all these flavors, then he knows what is good literature without reading a single handbook.
- 扫盲教育是社会进步的需要,也是生命个体赖以发展的需要。 The anti-illiteracy education is necessary not only for society progess, but also for individual person.
- 对您来说是没有什么是新鲜的。人类让您吃惊的是什么呢? None that are new to you. What's the one thing that surprises you most about mankind?
- 男人是社会的主体,不管你信或不信。所以男人应该有种责任感。 Men are the mainstay of our society, whether you believe it or not. So should men felt a sense of responsibility.
- 摘要社会工作研究的本土化是社会工作本土化的重要组成部分。 Naturalization of the study of social work is a significant component of the naturalization of social work in China.
- 那末,什么是中华民族的新政治、新经济,又什么是中华民族的新文化呢? What,then,are the new politics and the new economy of the Chinese nation,and what is its new culture?
- 他们与体力劳动者的区别,只是社会分工的不同。 They differ from the manual workers only insofar as they perform different roles in the social division of labour.
- 决定什么是真相并且现在对于我而言什么不像是。一种虚心的缺乏。 Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me. A lack of modesty.
- 通常,他的小说和短篇小说的侧重点是社会的不公和穷人的困境。 His novels and short stories often highlight social injustices and the plight of the poor.
- 因为,真的,没有什么是理所当然的。 Becuase it is true that nothing can be taken for granted.
- 什么是科学的社会研究? What are the social studies of science?
- 需要扩大以避免僵化及滥竽充数的并不是社会秩序,而是市场本身。 It is not the social order that needs to expand so as to avoid redundancy and entropy but the market itself.
- 个人防火墙知道这一切,而且还知道什么是应用软件发送或接收的流量。 A personal firewall knows all of this, but also knows what software application is sending or receiving the traffic.
- 这一症结是社会冲突的一个潜在根源。 This frustration is a potential source of social conflict.
- 究竟什么是我们党的政策的连续性呢? What does this continuity actually mean?
- 在一个时期里他们是社会上真正活跃的阶级。 For a time they were the real moving class in the community.