- 什么是放射性呢? What is radioactivity ?
- 对您来说是没有什么是新鲜的。人类让您吃惊的是什么呢? None that are new to you. What's the one thing that surprises you most about mankind?
- 原子序数在以后(铀的原子序数)的元素,都是放射性元素。 any element having an atomic number greater than 92" (the atomic number of uranium); all are radioactive.
- 镭和铀是放射性元素. Radium and uranium are radioactive elements.
- 那末,什么是中华民族的新政治、新经济,又什么是中华民族的新文化呢? What,then,are the new politics and the new economy of the Chinese nation,and what is its new culture?
- 散布污染或者污染物;特别是放射性污染。 spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination.
- 散布污染或者污染物;特别是放射性污染 spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination
- 但什么是厄尔尼诺呢? But what is El Nino?
- 不会散布污染或者污染物;特别是放射性污染物。 not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination.
- 不要扩散污染或者污染物;特别是放射性污染物 not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination
- 都已尝过,便真正知道什么是文学,什么不是文学,无须读手册也。 When he has tasted all these flavors, then he knows what is good literature without reading a single handbook.
- 元素的衍变不再是放射性物质独具的特点。 The transmutation of the elements was no longer the privilege of the radioactive substances alone.
- 什么是痤疮呢? What is acne?
- 那么,什么是生铁呢? Then, what is pig iron?
- 从这一角度来看这个问题,可以说分离镭的工作是放射性学科这一大厦的基石。 Viewing the subject from this angle, it can be said that the task of isolating radium is the corner-stone of the edifice of the science of radioactivity.
- 什么是党的工作中的群众路线呢? What is the mass line in Party work?
- 决定什么是真相并且现在对于我而言什么不像是。一种虚心的缺乏。 Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me. A lack of modesty.
- 什么是最佳实践呢? What is Best Practice
- 因为,真的,没有什么是理所当然的。 Becuase it is true that nothing can be taken for granted.
- 什么是语义应用呢? What is a Semantic App?