- 什么是对冲基金? What is pair of strong fund?
- 什么 what
- 上述定义是从对冲基金的投资方法,监管的角度来定义对冲基金。 A hedge fund is a loosely regulated investment company that charges incentive fees and usually seeks to generate returns that are not highly correlated to returns on stocks and bonds.
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 如果对冲基金是作对冲之用,它们是全球投资活动所不可缺少的一环。 They are an essential part of a global investment fabric if it is for hedging.
- 都已尝过,便真正知道什么是文学,什么不是文学,无须读手册也。 When he has tasted all these flavors, then he knows what is good literature without reading a single handbook.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 什么是基金? What exactly is a mutual fund?
- 对您来说是没有什么是新鲜的。人类让您吃惊的是什么呢? None that are new to you. What's the one thing that surprises you most about mankind?
- 虽然对冲基金的风险不是那么大,然而,投资者应当注意了,它的收益也不是那么丰厚。 The risks from hedge funds are not that high. Nor, investors should note, are the rewards.
- 什么是社会保险基金? What is social insurance fund?
- 那末,什么是中华民族的新政治、新经济,又什么是中华民族的新文化呢? What,then,are the new politics and the new economy of the Chinese nation,and what is its new culture?
- 什么是基金交易佣金? What is the fund transaction commission?
- 决定什么是真相并且现在对于我而言什么不像是。一种虚心的缺乏。 Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me. A lack of modesty.
- 因为,真的,没有什么是理所当然的。 Becuase it is true that nothing can be taken for granted.
- 个人防火墙知道这一切,而且还知道什么是应用软件发送或接收的流量。 A personal firewall knows all of this, but also knows what software application is sending or receiving the traffic.
- 究竟什么是我们党的政策的连续性呢? What does this continuity actually mean?
- 很多人知道对冲基金可以投资致富。但是他们究竟是什么? Many people know that hedge funds are investments for the wealthy. But what exactly are they?
- 他知道什么是自己的长项,并知道如何弥补自己的弱项。 He learned to recognize his strengths and compensate for his weaknesses.