- 什么是外国保险公司? What is foreign insurance company?
- 什么 what
- 公司 corporation
- 外国保险公司 foreign insurance company
- 外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。 The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs.
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 外国 foreign (country)
- 保险公司 insurer
- 都已尝过,便真正知道什么是文学,什么不是文学,无须读手册也。 When he has tasted all these flavors, then he knows what is good literature without reading a single handbook.
- 他那套风景片几乎全是外国风景,但那里头也有一两张我国风景。 His views were nearly all of the foreign scenes, but there were one or two home pictures among them.
- 对您来说是没有什么是新鲜的。人类让您吃惊的是什么呢? None that are new to you. What's the one thing that surprises you most about mankind?
- 对拟任外国保险公司分公司主要负责人的授权书; A letter of attorney issued to the proposed person-in-charge of the branch of a foreign insurance company;
- 法国政府投资部高质量的服务是外国投资项目在法国成功的关键。 The quality of service provided by IFA to new businesses is key to the success of foreign investment projects in France.
- 在给他保险之前,保险公司决定查对一下他的驾驶记录。 The insurance company decided to check upon his driving record before insuring him.
- 那末,什么是中华民族的新政治、新经济,又什么是中华民族的新文化呢? What,then,are the new politics and the new economy of the Chinese nation,and what is its new culture?
- 论外国保险经纪制度及其启示 On Foreign Insurance Broker Regulation and Its Inspiration
- 接着发生了一个问题,那就是外国使节该不该拜会这位新来的副总统。 The question arose whether the foreign representives should call on the newly arrived VicePresident.
- 决定什么是真相并且现在对于我而言什么不像是。一种虚心的缺乏。 Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me. A lack of modesty.
- `今天的邮件里有什麽?'`只有保险公司寄来的一大堆表格。' `What's in the post today?' `Just a lot of bumf from the insurance people.'