- 什么时候您方便呢? What time would be convenient for you?
- 什么时候您最方便呢? When would it be most convenient for you?
- 什么时候您最方便? When do you have in mind?
- 什么时候 when
- 欢迎来访,只要任何时候您方便时。 Please call on me anytime when it is convenient for you.
- 什么时候对她方便呢? What time will be convenient for her?
- 甲:当然可以,什么时候您有空都可以。 A: Sure, anytime when you are free.
- 何时您比较方便呢? What time will be convenient?
- 截止到什么时候您还持有这个存折,先生? When did you have the passbook last, sir?
- 你什么时间方便呢? What time is convenient to you?
- 你什么时间看房比较方便呢?或者我提前多少时间给你打电话你有时间? Which time do you see the building more convenience? Possibly, how much time I advance to make a phone call you?
- 什么时候使用直接提单呢? When is the straight bill of lading used?
- 您什么时候要报价单呢? When do you want their quotations?
- 你什么时候去方便? When would it be convenient for you to go?
- 斯坦纳先生,您什么时间方便呢? When would be a convenient time for you,Mr. Steiner?
- 贵方打算什么时候招标呢? When do you intend to start the invitation?
- 你喜欢什么时候叫您? When would you be fond of receiving the call?
- 莫: 斯坦纳先生,您什么时间方便呢? When would be a convenient time for you, Mr. Steiner?
- 传真您想什么时候发? When do you expect to have it faxed?
- 你什么时候才会改正呢? When will you amend?