- 人到底需要多少睡眠? 有没有可取巧的办法? The two questions that continue to linger: How much sleep do people really need?
- 儿童需要多少睡眠时间? How Much Sleep Do Children Need?
- 需要 needs
- 在很多情况下,直到申请截止日期过去很久以后,学校才知道他们到底需要多少助教。 In many cases,schools won't really know how many assistantships they need until long after the application deadline passes.
- 多少 how much
- 说真的,没人知道古埃及人到底是如何建造了金字塔。 And the truth is,no one really knows how they built the pyramids.
- 睡眠 slumber
- 可四41他们就大大地惧怕,彼此说,这人到底是谁,连风和海也听从了他? 41 And they became greatly frightened and said to one another, Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?
- 不需要 have no use for
- 算出你到底缺少了多少睡眠。如果你的睡眠帐户处于赤字的话,要用多少时间来补。 Work out how much sleep you owe your body and find out how to recover if your sleep account is in the red.
- 需要的 needful
- 你到底需要什么? What exactly are you looking for?
- 看来不可能使他讲明确他最后一次见到这个人到底是在何时何地。 It seemed impossible to pin him down as to when and where he had last seen the man.
- 可是不确定到底需要什麼。 But I'm not sure what I need.
- 但是如果进行DNA测试的话,至少可以查出躺在拿破仑坟墓里的人到底是谁。 But a DNA test could at least settle the question about who lies in the tomb.
- 问:愿意保卫巴黎的法国人到底有多少人呢? Q: How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?
- 困惑?标准?我们到底需要什么?我们到底在等待什么? Chaos? Standards? What do we need? What are we waiting for?
- 不说那些古代史了。那么你到底需要什么样的建议?我可以帮你吗? Ancient history. So what kind of advice do you need? Can I help?
- 看来,纳丹曾经交往的人确实不少,但就如他所说的,一个人到底能让多少人认识自己? It would seem that Mr Nathan had come into contact with many people,but,as he himself has put it,a person can indeed make himself known to how many people?
- 你需要多少? How much do you need?