- 有个叫亨利的要见您。
Someone of the name of Henry wants to see you.
- `给、给、给我那本、本、本书,'亨利结结巴巴地说。
`G-g-give me that b-b-book, ' said Henry, unable to stop stammering.
- 我说,你不是约翰·亨利吗?
I say, aren't you John Henry?
- 人们投票赞成亨利。
People voted for Henry.
- 亨利获得了他父亲的一大笔遗产。
Henry came in for a large share of his father's fortune.
- 假如亨利不能随心所欲,他会很生气。
If Henry cannot get his own way, he gets very angry.
- 亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。
Henry IV usurped the throne of England.
- 该书生动地描写了亨利八世的宫廷生活。
The book contains a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry VIII.