- 因我谎称钱仍在我处,所以他们要我交出时,我很尴尬。
Having lied that I still had the money, I was in rather a corner when they asked me to hand it over.
- 我真想摆脱对这项工作的责任,但是看来没有合适的人可以交出去。
I should like to get rid of the responsibility for this job, but there doesn't seem to be anyone fit to hand over to.
- 那持枪的歹徒恫吓她赶快交出钱来。
The gunman's threats terrified her into handing over the money.
- 他们向警方交出枪枝。
They surrendered their guns to the police.
- 他们把他吓得交出了钥匙。
They scared him into handing over the keys.