- 一想起后面的追兵,她就五内如焚。 As a fire in her bones, the thought of the pursuer urged her on
- 他们眼巴巴见他活活烧死而五内如焚. They suffered the agony of watching him burn to death.
- 内 internal
- 营养体生殖的,无性生殖的属于或关于无性生殖,如裂殖或芽殖的 Of or relating to asexual reproduction, such as fission or budding.
- 五内俱裂 feel one's five internal organs torn with pain; as if one's bowles had been cut through
- 还有,地球核心内如铀等的重元素在衰变时产生热能,驱动地壳板块运动。 Moreover, heat energy generated during decay of heavy elements like uranium at the centre of the Earth triggers tectonic movement.
- 内的 inner
- 正如 be just like
- 五内 viscera
- 四舍五入 round
- 内网 Intranet
- 如有 if any
- 如是 so
- 内置 internal
- 四分五裂 rent by disunity
- 如花 flowery
- 站内 instation
- 如上 ibidem
- 内向 diffidence
- 五星级酒店 deluxe hotel