- 车辆之间应保持适当的间距。
The proper intervals should be maintained between vehicles.
- 工会和资方之间的谈判由于互不信任而愈加困难。
Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual distrust.
- 这两个阶级之间有很深的仇恨。
There is great animosity between the two classes.
- 人类的种种经验都证明了爱与怕之间的紧密联系。
All kinds of human experience testify to the close link between love and fear.
- 他们之间的交易告吹了。
The transaction between them was dismissed.
- 角距离,是由一定点到两物体之间所量度的夹角。
Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.
- 两国之间的政治和解已经取得进展。
Progress has been made towards a political compromise between the two nations.
- 横隔膜位于胸腔与腹部之间。
The diaphragm is between the chest and the abdomen.