- 为何要自编内核? Why Build a Custom Kernel?
- 自定义 user-defined
- 自 oneself
- 你为何要问? Why do you ask?
- 自编 make up
- 就要 will; be about to
- 朋友追问我为何要离开这里。 My friend quizzed me about my reasons for leaving here.
- 南希的父亲屡次告诫她不要自视过高,要与其他女孩子交朋友。 Nancy's father frequently asked her to come off her high horse and make friends with other girls.
- 你为何要把我从美梦中叫醒? Why did you wake me from such a beautiful dream?
- 你对汽车一窍不通,但是如果你想拆下引擎,那你可要自负责了! You have no knowledge of cars but if you want to dismantle the engine,that's your funeral!
- 我为何要让他们见他?我带他回去後五分钟他们便蜂拥而上。 I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him.
- 要自定义旋转,请单击“三维旋转选项”,然后选择所需的选项。 To customize the rotation, click 3-D Rotation Options, and then choose the options that you want.
- 首先,我们需要检查何处、何时和为何要进行加大带宽的工作。 First, we need to examine where, when and why increased bandwidth must be deployed.
- 你要自始自终说实话。 You should always tell the truth.
- 我不明白你为何要去的理由。 I am not clear about the reason why you want to go.
- 独生子女往往要自寻乐趣. An only child is often left to his own resources, ie left to amuse himself.
- 你为何要见我? What did you want to see me about?
- 你不用功就不能及格,所以不要自欺。 You can't pass the examination without working hard,so don't deceive yourself.
- 加拿大的土著为何要自治要重新得到影响他们生活的控制权。 Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working toward self-government To regain control over decisions that effect their lives.
- 约书亚吩咐百姓说:“你们要自洁,因为明天耶和华必在你们中间行奇事。 Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.