- 为什么货要到得这么早? Why should the goods arrive so early?
- 我没料到他们会到得这么早. They arrived before I expect.
- 噢,那样太糟糕了,我们的货要得很急。 Oh, that's terrible, we need the goods urgently.
- 假如要维持22%,一批货要一个月或半个月才能卖完;但若是把利润率降到19%,营业额量会倍增。 If you keep it at 22%25,you'll turn over the goods once,maybe twice a month. But if you lower it to 19%25,you'll double your turn-over rate.
- "即使在提早停止营业日,有些商店也要到下午才关门。" Some of the shops are not shut until in the evening even on early closing day.
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。 "Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 他们比她到得早。 They arrived earlier than she did.
- "让我坐一会儿:孩子们走得这么快,把我累坏了。" "Let me sit down for a moment: the children have been walking me off my feet."
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- [印度]排斥英国货运动 swadeshi
- "一切进行得如何?" "情况很顺利。" "How is everything going?" "Things are going very well."
- 6点钟到这儿报到上班。 Report for duty here at six o'clock.
- 你为什么要介入他们的争吵呢? Why should you get involved in their fray?
- 这么早长城上就挤满了人;工匠们正在将一段新旋梯接补到残破的旧楼梯上。 Even at this hour it was acrawl with men, builders pushing up a new switchback stair to join the remnants of the old.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- "他这个星期脾气很不好。" "是呀,不过请注意,他最近病得很厉害呢。" "He has been very bad-tempered this week." "Yes, but mind you, he's been rather ill just recently."
- 4个人费尽力气才把那块很重的岩石搬到合适的地方。 It took four men to wrestle the heavy rock into place.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.