- 为什么要加倍收费? Why do you have to double the fare?
- 这些就是我们为什么要做这事的理由。 These are the reasons why we do it.
- 你过街时要加倍小心。 Be double careful when you cross the street.
- 你为什么要介入他们的争吵呢? Why should you get involved in their fray?
- 石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,十年后预计这个数目还要加倍。 Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made, in ten years this amount is expected to double.
- 你为什么要坚持写这些东西呢? Why do you persist in writing these things?
- 我们重视市民督促政府要加倍努力处理地区问题的诉求。 We attach importance to public calls for the Government to step up the resolution of district problems.
- 为什么要匿名呢? Why did the writers wish to remain anonymous?
- 你的身体健康固然重要,但你的财政健康同样要加倍注意。 While your health may be your top priority, being able to care for yourself financially is also an issue.
- 你到底为什么要穿上这套服装? Why on earth did you put on that outfit?
- 会议发出号召,要加倍努力,把生产提到新水平。 The meeting issued a call for redoubled efforts to push production to a new high.
- 为什么要故意找出这些令人不快的小事来呢? Why try to dredge up such unpleasant little things?
- 我要加倍努力,直到精疲力竭。即使这样,我还要继续努力。 I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue.
- 他为什么要窜改这份文件? Why would he tamper the document?
- 往后我们要加倍努力。 From now on we'll redouble our efforts.
- 为什么要缴这么多的税金呢? Why do I have to pay so much in taxes?
- 他们为什么要想法在各民族之间挑拨离间呢? Why did they try to sow dissension among the nationalities?
- 为什么要直接招生呢? Why should we enrol students directly?
- 那为什么要改变呢? so why change?
- 你为什么要杀我? Why do you want to kill me?