- 为什么我要这么急? Why can't I really take my time with it?
- 你或许正坐在电脑前阅读这些文章,并有疑问为什么我要在浴室花这么多时间呢? You may be sitting in front of your computer reading all of these stories, wondering why I spend so much time in a bathhouse.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 你为什么这么急着要这点钱? Why do you need this money so badly?
- 为什么我要接受亨利在给我安排的命运? Why did I accept the fate Henry was dishing out?
- 干吗这么急? What's the hurry?
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 请别这么急。 Please don't be in such a hurry.
- 为什么我要如实地描写某人安放在壁炉台上的那只陶瓷大象呢? Why have I described somebody's real ceramic elephant sitting on the mantel-piece ?
- 为什么我要去那里? Why should I go there?
- 处事从容不迫些,你为什么一定做每件事都要这么鲁莽呢? Take it gently; why must you go at everything like a bull at a gate?
- 不管怎样,今晚我要去跳迪斯科舞,无论你是否愿意与我同去。 In any event I'm going to the disco tonight whether you want to come with me or not.
- 为什么我的Internet连接速度这么慢? Why is my Internet connection so slow?
- “你为什么这么急着要这点钱?” Why do you need this money so badly?
- 把梯子竖起来,我要把油漆递上去。 Get up the ladder, and I'll pass the paint up.
- 为什么我得和公司一帮人去过夜旅行,度过这么宝贵的周末? Why do I have to spend such a valuable weekend on an overnight trip with the company bunch ?
- 为什么我要做手术? Why Do I Need an Operation?
- 我要找个什么职业,这已经是迫不急待的事了。 It became urgent that I should have a vocation of some kind.
- 我不明白为什么我嫁给了这么一个不体贴的男人。 I don't know why I married such an inconsiderate man.
- 那么为什么我要用丙烷来替代绿气? So, why should I fill my gun with propane instead of green gas?