- 为什么布斯要这么做呢? Why did Booth do it?
- 为什么你要这么做呢? Beecher: Why are you doing this.
- (那你为什么要这么做呢?) B: Why are you going to do it?
- 这么 so (much)
- 问题是:为什么我们必须要这么做呢?没有人否认食物,住所,防御措施,健康和教育的必要性。 The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defence, health and education.
- 你究竟为什么要这么做? Why ever did you do so?
- 我还有好多家务事要做呢。 I've got loads of housework to do.
- 为什么不让她想怎么做就怎么做呢? Why not let her do as she likes?
- 为什么要这么久? Why is it so time-consuming?
- 这么做不太得体吧,你说呢? That wouldn't have been very tactful, would it?
- 为什么我要这么急? Why can't I really take my time with it?
- 还有好多事要做呢。 There are lots of more important things to do, right?
- 你究竟为什么这么做? Eg: Why ever did you do so?
- 那现在要怎样做呢? So what's the procedure now?
- 为什么要这么小气? What is the use of being so tight?
- 为什么一位明师什么都会做呢? Why are the Enlightened Masters capable of doing anything?
- 我是想要你这么做的。 It is my wish that you should do so.
- 德克斯特:为什么你要这么说? Dexter: Why would you say that?
- 你为什么没有按照她的建议去做呢? Why didn't you act on her suggestion?
- 最亲爱的玛丽安,除了他还有谁呢?难道谁会唆使他这么做? Dearest Marianne, who but himself? By whom can he have been instigated?