- 为什么你看过? Why should you read on?
- 我的姐妹们今晚要来看我们,她们的照片我昨天给你看过。 My sisters, whose photos I showed you yesterday, will come to see us this evening.
- 他向我咆哮:“为什么你看我比看其他污秽的人更仔细呢?” He shouted up:"Why do you feast your eyes on me more than these other dirty beasts? "
- 看过 see; perceive
- 为什么你看不到我, Why can't you see me, ada
- 你看过金鱼没有? Have you ever seen a goldfish?
- 你看过医生了吗? Have you seen the doctor?
- 为什么你明天要在工作时间过来看我? Why don't you come over and see me during office hours tomorrow?
- 你看过那部恐怖片吗? Have you seen that Dracula movie?
- 在你看A片的时候你可能会奇怪为什么你的老二有时是慢慢的勃起的。而你更加希望跟她在一起的时候可以一秒钟之内非常的坚挺硬朗 If you watch porn you may wonder why the guy\\'s erection is sometimes slow to grow. You\\'re thinking that if you were in his shoes you\\'d be as hard as a rock in a second.
- 你看过他的童话吗? Have you read any of his fairy tales?
- 你看过《竞选州长》这篇故事吗? Have you read the story Running for Governor?
- 你看过特技飞行表演吗? Have you watched a stunt flying?
- 这些小说没有你看过的有趣。 They are less interesting novels than the ones you have read .
- 为什么拉长脸,弗兰克?我从来没见过你看起来这么腻烦。 Why the long face,Frank? I've never seen you look so fed up.
- 你看过雷锋日记吗? Have you seen Lei Feng's diary?
- 你看过关于美人鱼的故事吗? Have you read the story of mermaids?
- 你看过那场神童表演没有? Have you seen the boy wonder play yet?
- 你看过星期日报了吗? Did you read the Sunday Papers.
- 你看过你爸爸跳舞吗? Have you seen your dad on the dance floor?