- 为什么你不试试说服他? Why don't you have a try at convincing him?
- “为什么你不试试看你自己能否解决这个问题?” Why don't you try and see if you can work the problem out between yourselves?
- “为什么你不试试看你自己能否解决这个问题?”。 Why don't you try and see if you can work the problem out between yourselves?
- 为什么你不在外面的窗户看看?夜班护士每20分钟检查一次那个男孩-他很好。 AGENT MOSLEY: Why don't you get yourself a visual in the exterior window. The night nurse has been checking the boy every 20 minutes-- he's fine.
- 如果你不试试的话,你怎么知道能够把自己脱离绝望的深渊呢? How will you know you can drag yourself out of the depths of your despair if you don't try?
- 为什么你不说服她? Why don't you talk her out of it?
- 如果你尚且不能说服他借钱给我们,又怎能指望我做得到呢? If you can't persuade him to lend us the money, how do you expect me to work the oracle?
- 为什么你不穿高跟鞋呢? Why don't you wear shoes with high heels?
- 你和任何人都不能说服他放弃这项工作。 Neither you nor anybody else is able to persuade him to give up the work .
- 为什么你不听劝告? Why won't you listen to reason?
- 为什么不试试看你们自己能否解决这个问题? Why don't you try and see if you can work the problem out between yourselves?
- 为什么你不去看电影? Why aren't you going to see the film?
- 既然哈德坚决抵制这一计划,你也就根本不能说服他给予支持。 You'll never convince Harold to support the scheme now that he's set his face against it.
- 为什么你不平寄? Why don't you send it by surface mail?
- 达恩走近会议桌。“为什么不试试召唤龙神呢? Dagen approached the council table. "What about the Dragon Lords?
- 只要你的方法得当,说服他并不难。 It's easy to persuade him if you go the right method.
- 为什么你不去电烫? A: Why don't you go and get a perm?
- 为什么你不高兴了? Why are you up set?
- 米歇尔:嗯,那实在不大好。为什么不试试把化妆品锁起来? Michelle: Hm, that's not very nice. Why don't you try locking it up?
- 如果你父亲不同意,不要担心,我会马上说服他的。 Don't worry if your father says no and I'll soon talk him round.