- 为什么你不过来,我不能在未完成之前离开 Why don't you come on over, we can't leave this all undone
- 为什么你不能做到? Why Don't You Do Right?
- 不能 cannot
- 为什么你不重塑它,只能你能真正控制我的灵魂? Why don't you shape it and shake it'till you're really in control?
- 为什么你不能和我远走高飞 You could not come along with me
- “为什么你不把我的兄弟斯考特带上呢?” Why don't you take my brother Scott along?
- 在你还不能做到时,你必须无数次的丢脸,长年累月不停的操练, You have got to lose face many times before you can make it.
- 为什么你不想让我去我不在乎你去不去。 Why don't you want me to go? -I don't care if you go.
- 你需要的恢复时间越长,那个事件对你的影响越大,你也就越不能做到最好。 The longer it takes you to recover, the more influence that incident has on your actions, and the less able you are to perform to your personal best.
- 杰瑞,我有个问题,为什么你不用简体中文呢? Jerry, I have a question. Why don't you use simplified Chinese characters?
- 在学习期间你不能工作,除非你的课程安排中有工作实践这项要求。 During the school year you are not allow to work unless the work experience is part of your school program.
- “为什么你不试试看你自己能否解决这个问题?” Why don't you try and see if you can work the problem out between yourselves?
- 开动脑筋的时候又开始了,这次的题目是让你用方块把盒子放满,你能不能做到呢? Introduction: Use their brains when started, is the subject of this allows you to use the box filled with the boxes, Can you do that?
- “为什么你不试试看你自己能否解决这个问题?”。 Why don't you try and see if you can work the problem out between yourselves?
- 为什么你不能完成任何事情 Why You Can't Get Any Work Done
- 难道你不能不让你的狗进入我的花园吗? Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
- 如果这块地真正属于你, 为什么你不据理力争呢? If the land really belongs to you, why don't you lay claim to it?
- 你不能在演讲中插入几个有趣的故事吗? Can't you work some funny stories into your lecture?
- 当我刺的时侯你当没看见选择了爬;为什么你不粘? Look at this creep ignoring my peep; why would you?
- 假使你不能去旅行的话,你将有何感受? Suppose you couldn't go on the trip. How would you feel?