- 为什么你不穿高跟鞋呢? Why don't you wear shoes with high heels?
- “为什么你不把我的兄弟斯考特带上呢?” Why don't you take my brother Scott along?
- 杰瑞,我有个问题,为什么你不用简体中文呢? Jerry, I have a question. Why don't you use simplified Chinese characters?
- 并不是所有的女人都喜欢穿高跟鞋。 Women don't all like high-heeled shoes.
- 她本应该穿高跟鞋。 She ought to have worn high heels.
- 如果这块地真正属于你, 为什么你不据理力争呢? If the land really belongs to you, why don't you lay claim to it?
- 不要打领带,穿高跟鞋。 Don't wear ties and high heels in the scenery spot.
- 如果你不穿鞋子,就会有把脚割破的危险。 You will take the risk of cutting your feet if you don't wear shoes.
- 为什么你不听劝告? Why won't you listen to reason?
- 为什么你今天不穿深灰色套装? Why don't you put on the dark gray suit today?
- 为什么你不去看电影? Why aren't you going to see the film?
- 这么冷的天你不穿外套出去,会得肺炎的。 You'll catch pneumonia if you go out in this cold weather without a coat!
- 为什么你不平寄? Why don't you send it by surface mail?
- 想救你自己吗?把魔笛交给我吧。为什么你老想给我捣乱呢? Save yourself and give me the flute. Why do you insist on trying to stop me?
- 为什么你不去电烫? A: Why don't you go and get a perm?
- 如果你都起了鸡皮疙瘩,怎么不穿件外套呢? If you are getting goose bumps, then why don't you put on a jacket?
- 为什么你不高兴了? Why are you up set?
- 为什么你不说服她? Why don't you talk her out of it?
- 你不穿雨衣出去可不行。外面正在下大雨。 Your can not go out without a raincoat . it is teeming .
- 为什么你不把重点说明? Why can't you come to the point?