- 为什么你不离开她呢? Why don't you get rid of her?
- “假使他同她在一块儿是那么不幸福,”白丽莱茜若有所思地说道,“他为什么不离开她呢?” "If he is so unhappy with her," observed Berenice thoughtfully, "why doesn't he leave her?"
- “为什么你不把我的兄弟斯考特带上呢?” Why don't you take my brother Scott along?
- 为什么你不过来,我不能在未完成之前离开 Why don't you come on over, we can't leave this all undone
- 杰瑞,我有个问题,为什么你不用简体中文呢? Jerry, I have a question. Why don't you use simplified Chinese characters?
- 你不应该诱使她离开她丈夫。 You had no business wooing her away from her husband.
- 为什么你要因为上帝赐予她的头发而惩罚她呢? Why should you punish her for the way God made her hair?
- 他明确地向妻子说,永远不离开她。 He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her.
- 为什么你不听劝告? Why won't you listen to reason?
- 如果你不离开这儿,我们在一、二个星期内可能给你一个工作。 If you stick around,we might have a job for you in a week or two.
- 为什么你不去看电影? Why aren't you going to see the film?
- 即使在困难的处境下,他决不离开她。 In case of extremity he will stand by her.
- 为什么你不平寄? Why don't you send it by surface mail?
- "你是只要她不大叫大嚷就从不醒来的,而且醒来后可能还打她呢,"瑞德不满地说。 "You'd never wake up unless she screamed and then you'd probably slap her," he said shortly.
- 为什么你不去电烫? A: Why don't you go and get a perm?
- 即使在困难的处境下,他决不离开她。 In case of extremity he will stand by her.
- 为什么你不穿高跟鞋呢? Why don't you wear shoes with high heels?
- 想救你自己吗?把魔笛交给我吧。为什么你老想给我捣乱呢? Save yourself and give me the flute. Why do you insist on trying to stop me?
- 不得自我们的允许,你不能随意离开。 You are not at liberty to leave without permission.
- 你为什么这样无礼地把她推开?我还以为你爱她呢! Why do you thrust her from you so unkindly? I thought you loved her!