- 为什么你不把重点说明? Why can't you come to the point?
- “为什么你不把我的兄弟斯考特带上呢?” Why don't you take my brother Scott along?
- “为什么你不把浴缸里装些水,洗一个澡,而每次要乱泼?” "Why don't you fill the bath with water and get into it, instead of wasting it and throwing it away each time?"
- 是一篇很好的文章!为什么你不试着把它由英语翻译成中文? Lt is a very good article! Why not try to translate this article from English into Chinese?
- 你不把胃溃疡及时治疗,身体就会被拖垮。 Your stomach ulcer will surely drag you down if you don't get it cured soon enough.
- 为什么你不听劝告? Why won't you listen to reason?
- 为什么你不去看电影? Why aren't you going to see the film?
- 如果你不把我的话当回事,你等着瞧! If you do not take my word for it, you will see!
- 为什么你不去电烫? A: Why don't you go and get a perm?
- 为什么你不高兴了? Why are you up set?
- 把钱花在你不需要的东西上是不明智的。 There's no logic in spending money on things you don't need.
- 他说,为什么你不天天剃须? He say to him:"Why ___shave every day?"
- 你不可以增加些例子,把发言拉长一些吗? Could you lengthen your speech out by adding some examples?
- 她喜欢你,为什么你不邀请她? She likes you ,why do not you ask her out ?
- 你为什么不把那照片挂在壁炉的上方? Why do you hang that photograph the upper site of in the fireplace?
- 为什么你不戒烟呢?它对身体有害。 A: Why don't you give up smoking? It's bad for your health.
- 我不懂为什么你连试一试都不愿意。 I fail to see(= I don't understand)why you won't even give it a try.
- 今天下午我把孩子托付给你, 你不介意吧? Do you mind if I unload the children onto you this afternoon?
- 想救你自己吗?把魔笛交给我吧。为什么你老想给我捣乱呢? Save yourself and give me the flute. Why do you insist on trying to stop me?
- 你不能把他们保存到网络驱动器或软盘上。 You can not save them to a network drive or a floppy disk.