- 丹妮,你没事吧? Are you okay, Danny?
- 你没事吧?“当他们走进大厅,门在他们身后关起时,Harry问道。 Are you all right?"Harry asked once they reached the hallway and the doors shut behind them.
- 你没事吧?你就是地之巫女? Are you all right? You're the Maiden of Earth, right?
- 没 not
- 你看起来脸色苍白。你没事吧? A: You look pale. Are you all right?
- 没事 have nothing to do; be free; be at leisure; be at a loose end
- 没事的 leisured
- 我花了一整天的时间跟她在一起,你知道发生了什么事吧? I spent my entire day with her. You know what I'm saying?
- 没事了 it is over
- 你没晕吧? How hammered are you?
- 为什么我必须告诉那个工人他被解雇了?你自己去做那令人厌恶的事吧。 Why must I tell that worker he is laid off? You do your own dirty work.
- 喂,你没挂断吧? Hello, are you still here?
- 我想你总不致于要做残暴的事吧。 You surely don't mean to be cruel.
- 假如你没事,帮我收玉米。 If you have nothing to do, help me harvest corn.
- 让我就跟你说说那个晚上发生的事吧。 Let me tell you about one night in particular.
- 我就知道你没事,我来看看你。 Well, I knew you was going to be all right. I just wanted to check on you.
- 你没受伤,是吧? You are not hurt, are you?
- “去做你的事吧,卡门。 "Go and start your work, Carmen.
- 你没事少去轧马路,浪费时间。 Don't waste your time roaming the streets.
- 我就老实告诉你发生了什么事吧。 I'm going to be straight up with you and tell you what really happened.