- 两点钟合适吗? Would two o'clock be acceptable?
- 七点钟合适吗? Would 7:00 be all right for you?
- 两点钟 two
- 两点钟好吗? Does two o'clock sound alright?
- 法院那个书记官用衰老的嗓音宣布暂且退座,下午两点钟再开庭。 The clerk of the court announced, in an aged voice, a recess until two p. m.
- 两点钟宣布要检查,4点以前他们就把那个地方整理好了。 The inspection was announced at two o'clock,and they had the place licked into shape by four.
- 两点钟左右他就回来。我让他再给你回电话吗? He'll be back around two o'clock. Shall I have him call back?
- 两点钟的约会 an appointment for two o'clock
- 两点钟时这个班解散了。 At two the squad fell out.
- 希望你两点钟前能到那里。 It is desirable that you should be there by two o'clock.
- 昨晚我听到的唯一的噪音是大约清晨两点钟一只猫头鹰尖叫了几声。 The only noise I heard last night was an owl screeching at about two o'clock in the morning.
- 两点钟。 Two o'clock.
- 两点钟了。 It is two o'clock.
- 让我们在两点钟开会前把这房间整理好。 Let's pick up the room before the meeting starts at two o'clock.
- 现在两点钟了。 It is two o'clock now.
- 他直到凌晨两点钟才到家。 He didn't get home until two o'clock in the morning.
- 她从两点钟工作到10点。 She works from two o'clock to ten o'clock.
- 他两点钟睡着了。 He went to sleep at two o'clock.
- 电影两点钟开始。 The film begins at two o'clock.
- 两点钟有一个约会 had an appointment for two o'clock.