- 世界上有多少种气候? How many kinds of climates are there in the world?
- 你知道世界上有多少种月季花?你大胆猜一下。 Do you know how many sorts of Chinese rose in the world? You can hazard a guess.
- 世界上有多少渔民生活在发展中国家? How many of the world's fishers live in developing countries?
- 有多少种方式使击球手退场? How many different ways may a batsman be given out?
- 世界上 (of the) world
- 在其中任选5册,没有两册相邻,有多少种选法? In how many ways can 5 of these books be selected if no 2 consecutive volumes are to be chosen?
- 世界上有七大洲。 There are seven continents in the world.
- 有多少种? How many kinds of attacks are there?
- 世界上有这么多各不相同的东西,其品种之多令人惊奇。 There are so many things in the world that are so different from one another that the variety is bewildering.
- 音乐中有多少种装饰音? How many types of graces are there in music?
- 世界上有数以百万计的生物。 There are millions of living things on the earth.
- 世界上有比新加坡更美的城市吗? Is there a more beautiful city on the face of the earth than Singapore?
- 有多少种方式在三个政党中分配席位,使每一个政党没有超过半数的席位? How many ways can these seats be divided among the parties such that no single party has a majority?
- 每年世界上有许多飞机遭到劫持。 Too many planes are hijacked in the world every year.
- 中国历史上有多少个朝代? How many dynasties are there in China's history?
- 世界上有多种不同类型的霉菌。 There are many different types of fungus all over the world.
- 世界上有各种各样的人。 It takes all sorts.
- 我从未见过裤子上有多少松垂之处。 I have never saw a pair of slacks that have very much slack in them.
- 就我所知,世界上有107种元素。 To my knowledge,there are 107 kinds of elements in the world.
- 世界上有各种不同的人。 There are a wide variety of people on the earth.