- 与Rh有关的血型因子 blood factor related to Rh; Hr
- 与Rh有关的血因子 blood factor related to RH
- 你的血型因子跟伴侣夹得来吗你是否患有传染病会影响下一代,导致失明、失聪、甚或严重贫血需要长期输血? Do you have any infectious diseases that can affect your babies causing blindness, deafness, or severe anaemia that require long term blood transfusion?
- 不过,在管理与资金流入有关的风险时,我们必须保持警觉。 But we must remain vigilant in managing the risks that are associated with them.
- 血型因子 blood factor
- 半醒的完全从睡眠中醒来前的半意识状态的,或与之有关的 Of or relating to the partially conscious state that precedes complete awakening from sleep.
- 食用红三叶草对于高胆固醇兔血型因子和心血管脂肪纹形成的影响 Effects of dietary red clover on blood factors and cardiovascular fatty streak formation in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
- 薄荷属植物任何与薄荷属植物近似或有关的植物,如石薄荷 Any of various similar or related plants, such as the stone mint.
- 不一会他们回到与本行有关的话题上去了。 Soon they got back to shop.
- 律师想知道与该案有关的全部细节。 The lawyer want to know all the details pertinent to the case.
- 凡是与抽象艺术有关的问题,保尔总有些奇怪的想法。 Paul has got a maggot in his head on everything connected with abstract art.
- 因子Ⅷ有关的抗原测定 Factor VIII related antigen assay
- 利比多与本能的生物欲望有关的生理的或情感的能量 The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives.
- 海事处则负责清除海港内的飘浮垃圾及油污,并执行与油污有关的法例。 The Marine Department clears floating refuse and oil from the harbour and enforces the law on oil pollution.
- 门静脉门静脉的,门静脉系统的,与门静脉系统有关的 Of or relating to the portal vein or the portal system.
- 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是发行纸币和硬币。 Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency notes and coins issuance.
- 竖琴的里拉琴或竖琴的或与其有关的 Of or relating to the lyre or harp.
- 凡是与该项工程有关的人员都必须严守机密。 Everyone connected with the project was sworn to secrecy.
- 劳资审裁处审理与雇佣合约有关的民事申索。 The Labour Tribunal hears civil claims arising from contracts of employment.
- 与虾虎鱼有关的热带浅水中少为人知的小鱼。 poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies.