- 埋头不问总不是好办法,你说呢? It's no good hiding our heads under our wings, is it?
- 首恶必办,胁从不问,立功受奖。 The chief criminals shall be punished without fail,those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded.
- “凡教中犯案,教士不问是非,曲庇教民;领事亦不问是非,曲庇教士。遇有民教争斗,平民恒屈,教民恒胜。 As the missionary always protected the believers and the consul always protected the missionary under any circumstances, believers always won and nonbelievers always lost.
- 观马具可知马性。 You may know the horse by his harness.
- 我们的计划被搁置下来处于悬而未决的状态。这些事情的结果尚未可知 Our plans were left hanging in the balance. Resolution of these matters is still in the balance.
- 这还不说,到了择亲的时光,只凭着两个不要脸媒人的话,只要男家有钱有势,不问身家清白,男人的性情好坏、学问高低,就不知不觉应了。 On top of that, when we are of the age to marry, a promise is given on the advice of two shameless matchmakers, as long as the groom's family has money and power, without even asking whether the family is decent or about the groom's temperament and education.
- 可知 Can get to know.
- 可知界 The Intelligible
- 不可知论的 know-nothing
- 可知论 knowability theory
- 文字代表一特定常量或数字的可知或未知的字母或符号,非编程者所规定 A letter or symbol that represents a particular constant or number, known or unknown, and is not programmer-defined.
- 观其遗迹可知其本来之壮丽。 The ruins attest their original magnificence.
- 可知属性 knowability
- 不可知性 incomprehensiveness
- 由定义可知 It follows from its definition that
- 也未可知 for anything I know
- 可知世界 the knowable world
- 由是可知 know from this
- 可知冰山是分离出来的一部分冰架,而这个分离的过程称为。 An iceberg is a piece of an ice shelf that separated and now floats free.
- 由一斑可知全貌。 You may know by a handful the whole sack.