- 不知是否能退款? I wonder if I can get a refund for this.
- 我不知是否能用一下你的电话。 I wonder if I could use your phone.
- 我能退款吗? Can I get a refund on this?
- 我在想不知是否可以和你谈一谈。 I was wondering if I could have a talk with you.
- 所以,不能退款,不能更换。 so there's no refund and no exchange for it.
- 今晚公司经理将为您举办一个晚宴。不知是否方便? Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight. Would that be convenient?
- 我得通过经理批准后才能退款给你。 I'll have to clear it with the manager before I can refund your money.
- 已有工作,但不知是否相关 To check relevance of my job offer
- 格林先生多缴了税款,请问能退款吗 Mr. Green overpaid his IIT. Can he file for a refund on his overpaid IIT?
- 我不知是否需要带把伞。 I wonder if I need take an umbrella with me.
- 你是否能把你的闪光设备也拿来?我的坏了。 Could you also get your flash-attachment? Mine is broken.
- 当客户订购之后并登陆游戏,将不能退款。 When somebody subscribes to the Pioneer offer and logs in, the transaction cannot be refunded.
- 今天晚上见你不知是否方便? Will it be convenient to see you this evening?
- 很抱歉不能退款,但您可以挑选更换,知道您满意。 I'm afraid you can't get a refund, but you can pick and choose still you find the most satisfying goods.
- 问一下你为什么要离开不知是否唐突? Would it be impertinent to ask why you're leaving?
- 您是否能详细地说明一下主题? Would you please explain the theme in detail?
- 这样做不知是否让你满意? Does this makes you satisfied?
- 我是否能改变行程? I wonder if I can change my itinerary.
- 我正不知是否该上楼,还是该跟马克西姆去图书馆。 I was wondering whether to go upstairs or whether to follow Maxim to the library .
- 我不知道你是否能替我买铅笔? I wondered if you could buy me some pencils?