- 她从没吸取教训,不晓得分清善恶。 She never learned to differentiate between good and evil.
- 他说了许多关于弗里达的谎话,但是安吉拉不晓得他在撒谎,他也知道她不晓得。 He was lying out of the whole cloth about Frieda, but Angela didn't know and he knew she didn't know.
- 他要说,我告诉你们,我不晓得你们是那里来的。你们这切作恶的人,离开我去吧。 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
- 黑夜睡觉,白日起来,这种就发芽渐长,那人却不晓得如何这样。 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.
- 我只是想,要是在白天,飞机来丢炸弹,那才不晓得是个什么光景呢。 I wondered what it would be like if a plane bombed it in the daytime.
- 我不晓得她为什么说希望我们会快乐。 I wondered why she said she hoped we would be happy.
- 彼得说:“你这个人!我不晓得你说的是什麽!”正说话之间,鸡就叫了。 Peter replied, "Man, I don't know what you're talking about!" Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.
- 我不晓得那辆老轿车是怎么没有散架的。 I don't know how that old car hangs over!
- 我不晓得这么小的一个孩子要望远镜干嘛。 I don't know what such a little boy is doing with a telescope.
- 不晓得他们什么时候才会给我加薪? I wonder when they are gonna give me a raise.
- 我不晓得我是否在访问一位魔术师的住宅。 I wonder if I am visiting the house of a magician.
- “你总是怪我打牌。 你不晓得,像我这样大的年纪,不打牌又有什么事可做?” "You always scold me for playing mahjong, but what else is there for a woman of my age to do?"
- 你难道不晓得人家在拿你的父母取笑吗? Don't you see they're laughing at the expense of your parents?
- 哦,卡特,你就不晓得我多么痴爱你。 Oh, Cat. You don't know how crazy I am about you.
- 哦,卡特,你就不晓得我多么痴爱你。 Oh, Cat. You don't know how crazy I am about you.
- 我不晓得那辆老轿车是怎么没有散架的! I don't know how that old car hangs over!
- 当下耶稣说,父阿,赦免他们。因为他们所作的,他们不晓得。兵丁就拈阄分他的衣服。 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
- 我倒不晓得他还有这么一个雅号呢。 I never knew he had such a nickname.
- 我已经冷得发抖了,现在不晓得是几度。 Cold weather makes me shiver. I wonder what the temperature is now.
- 我老是不晓得买什么给太太家人好。 D: I never know what to buy for my in-laws.