- 下星期五你不空吗? Will you be free next Friday ?
- 下星期五你有空吗? Will you be free next Friday?
- 下星期五你到昆仑饭店去签到参加一个会议。 You'll check in at Kunlun Hotel next Friday to attend a meeting.
- 下一 next
- 下星期五你能为我们看小孩吗? Could you baby-sit for us next Friday?
- 这房间空吗? Is this room disengaged?
- 在茶会上他使她杯子不空,使她摆脱了窘境。 He debarrassed her of an empty cup at the tea-party.
- 你不可以增加些例子,把发言拉长一些吗? Could you lengthen your speech out by adding some examples?
- 星期二那个航班还有空吗? Do you still have vacancies on your Tuesday flight?
- 目录上的路径是无效的,或者目录不空 Invalid path on directory or directory not empty
- 小姐,这张桌子空吗? Is this table free, miss?
- 在这种情况下,你不能放下这些孩子们不管 "In such a situation, you are not supposed to leave the children in the lurch"
- 下星期五她将出庭。 She will appear in court next Friday.
- 旅店能够在剩下的时间内全部撤空吗? Could the hotel be effectively cleared in the remaining time?
- 不知眼科医生能否在下星期五给我安排一个时间。 I wonder if the oculist can fit me in next Friday.
- 你不认为报纸对这些灾难的报导有反复赘述其细节的倾向吗? Don't you fed that newspaper accounts of these disasters tend to linger nastily over the detail?
- 旅店能够在短短的三十六分针内全部撤空吗? Could the hotel be effectively cleared in an all-too-inadequate thirty-six minutes?
- 申请于下星期五截止。 The deadline for making an application is next Friday.
- 难道你不能不让你的狗进入我的花园吗? Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
- 再挤个人进来行吗?车里还有空吗? Can you fit in another person? Is there room in the car?