- 上海吉宝酒店公寓? Premium Apartment Shanghai Service Apartment Shanghai House Shanghai?
- 上海帝景苑酒店公寓 Park View Court Service Apartment Shanghai
- 淘宝网 Taobao
- 帝景苑酒店公寓 Park View Court Service Apartment
- 八宝 eight treasures
- 上海话 Shanghai native language
- 不吉 infelicity
- 宝蓝色 royalblue
- 上海财经大学 Shanghai University of Finance & Economics
- 我想我更想把酒店公寓仅限订在浦西。 I think I would like to narrow down to service apartments in Puxi.
- 宝瓶座 water bearer
- 上海大众 Shanghai Volkswagen
- 我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。 I reminded Gerald of his promise.
- 上海理工大学 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
- 吉米一点想像力也没有。 Jimmy does not have a scrap of imagination.
- 宝瓶 Aquarius
- 他系住马,走进了小酒店。 He tied up the horse and went into the inn.
- 他住在免付租金的公寓里。 He lived in a flat free of rent.
- 招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful
- 吉米对当今世界情况只有一点模糊的了解。 Jimmie had but a vague idea of world conditions now.