- 上次你得了几分? What mark did get last time?
- 上次测验你得几分? What was your grade for the last test?
- 你得过麻疹吗,要是得过,出了几粒? Do you ever have the measles, and if so, how many?
- 得 permit
- 上次你是什么时候打扫狗窝的?现在狗窝臭死了。 When was the last time you cleaned out the dog kennel? It smells to high heaven.
- 他们迅速地得了几分。 They ran a few quick singles.
- “你和上次你见到过的那个女人发生了男女关系吗?”法官问道。 "Did you make it with that woman you met? " asked the judge.
- 你英文科的报告得了几分? A: What did you make on your English paper?
- 不用谢。善有善报,上次你也帮助过我。 That's all right. One good turn deserves another. Last time you helped me.
- 你得了流感后怎么样? How did the flu grab you?
- 村前村后的野草刚起始变黄,一抹斜阳映照之下,更增了几分萧索。 Village after village has just the weeds start turning yellow, whispering under the setting sun shines, but also by the somewhat barren grasslands and such.
- 我看你得了重感冒。 I shall think you have caught a bad cold.
- 上次你方装运货物时,许多听罐头由于包装不好而凹损。 When you shipped the goods last time,many tin is dented because of poor packaging.
- 蒂希普斯,上次你在奥运会的摔跤赛里把对手扔了多远? Dexippos. By Athena,. How far was it you threw your men wrestling at the last olympic games?
- 树梢发青,现出了几分春意。 The tops of the trees are turning green; spring is in the air.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 你得了多少分? How many points did you score?
- 说话当心点,小伙子。上次你想到什么说什么,结果把我们都害苦了。 Watch your tongue,my lad. The last time you said what you thought,we were all in trouble.
- 阴暗的树木给景色带来了几分神秘。 The dark trees lent an air of mystery to the scene.
- 你得把这个问题提交给上一级。 You will have to remit this problem to a higher authority.