- 三P three Ps
- 在亚洲TRACE-P试验期间生物圈和生物燃料传播时示踪气体分布的影响 Contribution of biomass and biofuel emissions to trace gas distributions in Asia during the TRACE-P experiment
- 鸿渐是留学生,知道西洋流行的三P运动; As a returned student, Hung-chien knew about the three P movement popular in the West (Poor Pop Pays):
- 三P试验 Triple P test
- P试验期间获取的观测值的分析相符的区域尺度化学输送模拟 Regional-scale chemical transport modeling in support of the analysis of observations obtained during the TRACE-P experiment
- 三年 three years
- 三角 (n) a triangle
- 三级 third class
- 三国 Three Kingdoms
- 三个月 trimester
- 周三 Wednesday
- 三次 third
- 三个 three
- 三号 thirds
- 三部曲 trilogy
- 三聚氰胺 melamine
- 三倍 triple
- 三楼 second floor
- 三的 trinal
- 三等 third class