- 一般是付多少呢? How much is common?
- 她可能是管理员,但我们是付她劳务费的,因此我们为什么要讨好她呢? She may be the Warden, but we pay for her services so why should we sit up and beg?
- 她可能是管理员,但我们是付她劳务费的,因此我们为什么要讨好她呢? She may be the Warden, but we pay for her services so why should we sit up and beg?
- 临床表现后果的严重程度一般是和组织学改变相一致的。 It is evident that the clinical evidence of severity of the lesion is as good as any qualitative histologic criterion.
- 她买这鞋是付现金呢,还是记账? Did she pay cash for the shoes or charge them?
- 本仪器是一般是用标准器(如量块)以比较法测量工件的尺寸。 The optimeter is widely used to precisely measure external size of workpiece by comparison with a gauge block or standard part.
- 她买这部车要付多少定金? How much did she have to pay down on the car?
- 每台的费用定在多少呢? How much would you like to spend for each table?
- 在古老时候,太阳一般是以星形或是放射状的图形来作为象徵。 Anciently the sun was commonly emblematized by a starry or radiate figure.
- 您是付现金还是用信用卡? Are you paying in cash or by credit card?
- 你是付现金是刷卡? Cash or credit card?
- 重量的限额是多少呢? What is the maximum weight allowed?
- 此外,由空间飞行器导引系统所产生的载荷与控制力一般是很小的。 Also, loads and control forces imposed by space vehicle guidance systems are generally small.
- 你们是不是付8%的年利? Are you paying an annual interest of 8%25?
- 这比生意的毛利是多少呢? What is the gross return on this line?
- 刘海(额前卷发)通常在妇女前额上的刘海或卷发,一般是假发 A fringe of curled,often artificial hair,usually worn on the forehead by a woman.
- 这一点他是付了代价后才知道的。 He knew this to his cost.
- 我要付多少行李超重费? How much shall I pay for the charge for overweight ?
- 请问您是付现金还是记账? Will that be cash or a charge?
- 野战机动部队的编制序列一般是:集团军、师(旅)、团、营、连、排、班。 The organizational order of the field mobile troops is normally combined corps, division (brigade), regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad.