- 一树十获者,木也; When planning for a decade, plant trees
- 一树之果,有酸有甜;一娘之子,有愚有贤。 The same tree may bear sweet and sour fruit; the same mother may have clever and stupid children.
- 阳光照在结冰的树上,真宛如美妙的丝带蜘蛛网从一树连到另一树。 The sunlight on the icy branches made, as it were, delicate lacy cobwebs from tree to tree.
- 有一时树木要膏一树为王,管理他们,就去对橄榄树说,请你作我们的王。 The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.
- 年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据 A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
- 碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 Precious jade makes up a tall tree, millions of thousands green threads droop from it Who cuts such slender leaves, spring breeze in February just likes the scissors.
- 徒十43众申言者也为他作见证说,凡信入他的人,必藉著他的名得蒙赦罪。 43 To this One all the prophets testify that through His name everyone who believes into Him will receive forgiveness of sins.
- 若他赢得那项比赛,他将获1印万美元的奖金。可他连前3名也未进去。 If he had won the competition, he would have got a one-million-dollar award, but he wasn't even put into the first three.
- 这位教授自负的样子就像一位拿着小木槌的调停者一样。 this professor acts so priggishly--like a moderator with a gavel!
- 一种在木制滚球槽中滚球以击倒三角状放置的十个木瓶的游戏 a game played by rolling a ball down a wooden alley in order to knock down a triangular group of ten pins
- 寻物: 遗失钻戒一枚,寻得者将获重酬。 Lost: one diamond ring. Finder will be rewarded.
- 木,白蜡木这种树的坚硬有弹性的木材,用于(制作)家具、工具柄、运动器材如板球拍等 The strong, elastic wood of this tree, used for furniture, tool handles, and sporting goods such as baseball bats.
- 50年前在教堂附近种的这棵树,最近由于被一家报纸提及而出了名。 The tree planted near the church fifty years ago has had a reputation for being mentioned in a newspaper recently.
- 日本帝国主义者和蒋介石能够用纵横捭阖的手段来对付革命队伍,共产党也能够用纵横捭阖的手段对付反革命队伍。 If the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek can manoeuvre in relation to the revolutionary forces,the Communist Party can do the same in relation to the counter-revolutionary forces.
- 在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
- 一种树干多刺的热带树,;其沉实的红色木料可生产出一种人造红色色素,也可用来制造细木家具。 tropical tree with prickly trunk; its heavy red wood yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry.
- 为加强问责性,获批拨校舍的办学团体须与政府签订一份为期十年的服务合约。 To enhance accountability,successful applicants would enter into a 10-year service agreement with the Government.
- 从一到十,“一”和“十”也包括在内 the numbers one to ten, inclusive.
- 在很长的一段时间里,我看着它们为难地围着树的底部团团转。 For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.
- 撞车比赛(参赛者驾车互撞, 直至最后有一辆仍可行驶者获冠军) demolition Derby