- 一堂训练课有多久? I find this kind of training seems very boring. How long does the training session last?
- 一堂训练课有多久? How long does the training session last?
- 她的班上有二十五位同学,一天正在上一堂有趣的历史课。 One day her class of twenty-five were having a delicious history lesson.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 昨天我们上了一堂深刻的思想教育课。 We had a profound lesson in ideological education yesterday.
- 她靠往日的成功而享名的日子能有多久呢? How long can she dine out on her former success?
- 我们今天早上在学校上了一堂历史课。 We had a history lesson at school this morning.
- 在过去的4周内,您有多久气促? During the past 4 weeks, how often have you had shortness of breath?
- 我听说有个老巫婆把自己变成了一只鸽子。 I have heard of one old witch changing herself into a pigeon.
- 如与其中断联系,则有多久? How long did you suspend the contact with the buyer?
- 今天晚些时候我有一堂钢琴课。 I've got a piano lesson later today.
- 对于建议中的建设核电站一事存有争议。 There is controversy about a proposal to build a nuclear power station.
- 我们下一堂课将采用辩论的形式。 Our next class will take the form of a debate.
- 他房子后面有一小块狭长形的园地。 There is a strip of garden behind his house.
- 这一堂课不清楚,把我给搞糊涂了。 The lesson was not clear and it has muddled me.
- 他在背上背了一捆没有价值的杂物。 He was bearing a truss of trifles at his back.
- 各族人民的代表共聚一堂,商讨国家大事。 Representatives of different nationalities gather in the same hall to discuss affairs of state.
- 松木桌面镶有一层桃花心木的装饰薄板。 The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer.
- 在每一堂课中,以粗体表示的阅读资料是必要的。 For each lecture, the readings given in bold are required.
- 安排的活动中有一项是插花艺术讲座。 One of the scheduled events is a talk on flower arranging.