- 一千里有多少个一百? How many hundreds are there in a thousand?
- 一千里有多少个一百? How many hundreds are there in a thousand?
- 这是个真正的胜利,前进一千里的意义就在这里。 That was a true victory. That was the significance of our 500-kilometre march.
- 一千有多少个一百? How many hundreds are there in thousand?
- 往南一下就走一千里,下这个决心,真了不起,从这一点也可看出毛主席战略思想的光辉。 The decision to make the 500-kilometre march south was very daring, it shows how brilliant Chairman Mao's strategy was.
- 第二个问题是:宇宙里有多少个星河? The next question is how many galaxies are there in the universe?
- 运动员们跑马拉松时教练记下了他们每跑一千米所用的时间。 The coach clocked his men for each one thousand metres while they ran Marathon.
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 这村子海拔一千米。 The village is 1,000 meters above sea level.
- 我们感到会议室里有一种难以捉摸的东西。 We felt an intangible presence in the conference room.
- 有多少个站才到购物中心呢? How many bus stops are there before the shopping mall?
- 我国资源丰富,沃野千里。 We are rich in resources and vast expanses of fertile land.
- 约翰口袋里有一棵幸运草,他认为自己现在会交好运了。 John has a four-leaf clover in his pocket. He thinks he will have good luck now.
- 有多少个窗户? How many windows are there?
- 千里足 winged steed
- 有多少人将要失业, 这一问题尚无定论. How many people will lose their jobs is an open question.
- 日进千里 progress rapidly
- 参赛运动员在一次比赛中要跳多少个动作? How many dives does a racer have to take in an event?
- 牧地千里 grazing area extends to a thousand li
- 在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和饭馆。 There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof.