- 一元J函数 J function
- 多元J函数 Jij. function
- 一元发生说认为所有生物都是由一个单细胞或有机体发展而来的理论 The theory that all living organisms are descended from a single cell or organism.
- J函数 J function
- 仿函数取一个二元函数和两个一元函数作为输入。 Functor takes a binary function and two unary functions as input.
- 百元 century
- 正当得到的一分钱胜于偷来的一元钱。 The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar.
- 一元积分函数 The integration of functions of a single variable
- 十个一角为一元。 Ten dimes make one dollar.
- 这些书零售价为一元。 These books retailed at a dollar.
- 一元四角四分。 One yuan and forty-four fen.
- 餐车一盘牛肉饼四元五,一条鱼三元五,一个汤一元五。 A dish of beef pie, four yuan and five jiao, a fish, three and five jiao and a soup, one and five jiao.
- 花了一元六角。 It was a dollar and sixty cents.
- 一元函数的极值 The limit of the single function
- 政府决定再铸造一些一元的硬币。 The government has decided to coin more one-yuan pieces.
- 一元钞票 a dollar bill
- 一元的零钱 a dollar's worth of change
- 一元氨 [机] monoamine
- 一元铜 monoketone
- 他把一元钞票兑成零钱。 He broke a dollar bill into change.