- “这是你的车吗?”“对,是的。” 'Is this your car?' 'Yes, it is.'
- “这是你自己的车吗?”“不,是租来的。” 'Is this your own car?' 'No, it's a rental.'
- 大卫向扫罗说完这话,扫罗说:“我儿大卫,这是你的声音吗?”就放声大哭, When David finished saying this, Saul asked, "Is that your voice, David my son?" And he wept aloud.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 爸爸,电视上的是你的车吗? Daddy is that your car on TV?
- 这是你花了高价买的车吗? Is this the car for that you paid a high price?
- 楼主我不信这是你的照片除非让我看看你的真人才能相信。 Hahaaha,, let me see your photos first for fairness.
- 这是你的车进入停车库对吗? This is your car entering the lot,yes?
- 后来也退休了。今天是他最后一天作为名厨上班。你看到过老头坐这么炫的车吗? Rich retires later. This is the last day he goes to work, as a famous chef. Have you ever seen an old guy in this kinda fancy car before?
- 我认为这是你的厚爱,要给你重酬的。 I'll take it as a great favor, and pay you well.
- 这是去大广场的车吗? Is this the bus for the Grand Square?
- 这是你的时间,每分每秒都要紧紧抓住。 This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it.
- 这是我们要坐的车吗? Is this the right bus for us?
- 夫人,这是你的账单,我已经将5%的服务费算在内。 Here is your bill,madam. I've added on five percent service charge.
- 这是去工人体育馆方向的车吗? Am I going the right direction to the Worker's Gymnasium?
- 这是我的空间,也是你的空间,是你我沟通的一片绿地。 This is my space, your space, a piece of pure land for communication.
- 对不起,这是去飞机场的车吗? Excuse me, is this the bus to the airport?
- 谢谢,这是你的收据。你可以到柜台领取你所点的食品。 Waiter: Thank you, and here's your receipt. You can pick up your order at the counter.
- 哦,这是去里士满的车吗? Oh, is this the bus to Richmond?
- 今天你取得其他所有男人的心这还不够吗?我的心一直是你的。这你很清楚。 Ashley: Isn't it enough that you've gathered every other man's heart today? You've always had mine. You cut your teeth on it.