- “这事你能做吗?”“当然行。” "Can you do it?" "You betcha."
- 你能做吗? Can you make it?
- 这事你能肯定吗? Are you sure about that?
- 这事你拿得稳吗? Are you sure of it?
- 我当然明白你的意思,不过玛丽太年轻不能做这事。 I certainly see what you mean, but Mary is too young to do it.
- 菜单上没有的菜你能做吗? Can you prepare something if it is not in the menu?
- 这事你怎么保密啊? Why do you keep so quiet about it?
- 天哪,这事你问你爸爸?你自己那么没主见呀? My God! You asked your father this kind of thing? You surely don't have your own definite idea!
- 有人能做吗? Can anybody do it?
- 城门失火, 殃及池鱼, 这事你也脱离不了干系。 When the city gate is on fire, the fish in the moat will suffer, you cannot escape responsibility.
- 你能教我怎么做吗? Can you show me how to do it?
- 我想我能做这事。 I reckon I can do it.
- 你可能不想念大学,可对这事你真得把眼光放远些。 You may not like going to college,but you really must take the long view about this.
- 你能帮我解决这事吗? Can you help me straighten it out?
- 你一个人能做吗? Can you do it by yourself?
- 这事你这么办: 先填表交给工作人员,然后回家等着。 This is how you do fill in the from and hand it in to the official,and then you go home and wait.
- 明天上午你能做完这项工作吗? Can you get the work done tomorrow morning?
- 但丁:是么,这事你最好也死心了吧。因为,你和他不是一个档次的。 Dante: Well, you might as well forget it. Cuz, you are no match for him.
- 你能想出下一步怎么做吗? Can you think what to do next?
- 这事你这么办:你揭下标签,把它送给制造商,这样他们就会退回一部分钱。 This is how you do it: you peel the label off and send it to the makers, then they will send some of your money back.