- “这中情况出现在米兰?我将非常高兴,不会有一点点的嫉妒。米兰有许多的冠军级球员,但是如果他来了,我们将更加强大。” If he came to Milan? I would be delighted and not in the slightest bit envious. Milan already have great champions, but it would be even better with him here.
- 这中情况很少出现。 This is rarely the case.
- 这 this
- 久经沙场的部队越来越少,至少在近卫军以外的部队中情况是这样。 Experienced troops were becoming rare, at least outside the exclusive Guard regiments.
- 久经沙场的部队越来越少,至少在近卫军以外的部队中情况是这样。 Experienced troops were becoming rare, at least outside the exclusive Guard regiments.
- 这种情况出现在下列故障恢复过程之中或是系统完成某个管理过程之后回复到在线状态时。 This occurs following a fault recovery process or when the system is returning to an online state after certain administrative procedures.
- 女王向纪念碑了献花圈,以此向两次世界大战这中的牺牲者们表示敬意。 The Queen pain homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph.
- 这位 this (person)
- PPA型的凸轮随动轴承有经过改进的滚轮表面形状,在不对中情况下也有较好的应力分布。 Cam followers in the PPA design have an improved profile of the runner surface which gives a better stress distribution, also under misaligned conditions.
- 这类 this kind (of)
- 这项 this (thing)
- 这中搅拌机不能处理坚果。 This blender can't handle nuts.
- 管理日志文件中出现的消息也可能出现在只读打印机 (ROP) 中。 Messages that appear in the Admin log files may also appear in the Read Only Printer (ROP).
- 这中布料质地粗糙,不适合制作儿童服装。 The texture of this cloth is too rough to be used for children's clothing.
- 他一家人的情景出现在他的脑海中。 There rose before his mind the picture of his home and family.
- 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。 He have treble his income during the last few years.
- 第二天,她身穿那套服装的照片出现在伦敦《每日电讯》的头版。 A picture of her in that outfit was on the front page of The Daily Telegraph in London the next day.
- "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的压力,要他们接受这批劣质原料。" That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- 这个故事以不同的形式出现在不同的文化中。 The story appears in different guises in different cultures.
- 这一情况出现得很突然,把我们的计划全都打乱了。 This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.