- “手啊,你觉得怎样呢?”他问那只僵硬得几乎跟死尸一样的抽筋的手。 "How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis.
- “手啊,你觉得怎样呢?”他问那只僵硬得几乎跟死尸一样的抽筋的手。 "How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis.
- “手啊,你觉得怎么样了?”他问那只僵硬得如同死尸一般抽筋的手,“我会为你多吃一点的。 "How do you feel hand?"he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis."I will eat some more for you.
- 你会去看网站或论坛里对于你或节目的讨论吗?如果有,你觉得怎样呢? Do you check out the sites and forums dedicated to you and the show? If so, what do you think?
- 伸出你的一双手啊。 Please reach out your hand.
- 这想法你觉得怎样? How does the idea strike you?
- 你觉得怎样? how do you like?
- 你觉得怎么样? What do you think of it?
- 人是多么藐小啊,而且多么无穷无尽;他们往后将是怎样呢? What atoms men were, and what a lot of them! And what would become of them all?
- 你现在觉得怎样? How do you feel now?
- 你觉得他怎么样。 How do you feel toward him?
- 我听见这话,却不明白,就说:“我主啊,这些事的结局是怎样呢? I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?
- 我听了那消息并没觉得怎样 [无动于衷] The news left me cold.
- 这个菜你觉得怎么样? How do you find the dish?
- “宠儿,假使我不爱你了,你将怎样呢?” "What would you do, Favourite, if I were to cease to love you?"
- 你觉得这个汤怎么样? How do you like the soup?
- 你说你不准备去看医生吗?那么你打算怎样呢? So you're not going to visit the doctor? What are you going to do,then?
- 小熊猫:不错啊!大家觉得怎样? Panda: Not bad. What do you think?
- 你觉得迈阿密怎么样? What do you think of Miami?
- 当你们参加临时政府时,国王的处境会怎样呢? What will be the king's situation when you join the interim government?