- “嗨!”他对猎狗喊到。 "Halloo!" he shouted to his hounds.
- 嗨,那真好极了。 Hey, that's really cool.
- 我们本来认为安德烈应该感到悔恨,但他却不这样认为。 Now, here we are obliged to own that Andrea ought to have felt remorse, but that he did not.
- 嗨,John,我是MaryLee,你在哪里? Hi, John. This is Mary Lee speaking. Where are you?
- 位于加勒比海中的安德烈群岛中最小并且最东部的一个岛屿。 the smallest and easternmost of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean.
- 整个法庭因为惊奇而鸦雀无声,但安德烈依旧不动声色。 The whole assembly manifested great surprise, but Andrea appeared quite unmoved
- 嗨!看在上帝份上。 Hey! For goodness sake.
- 安德烈站起来。 "Accused," said the president, "your name and surname?"
- 嗨,巴巴拉,你好吗? Hi, Barbara, how are you?
- 安德烈弹完了最后一曲。 Andre finishes his last song.
- 嗨,这正是我想要的书。 Why, this is the very book I want.
- 安德烈失望地说。 said Andrea, disappointed.
- 嗨,别难受了。 Come, cheer up.
- 安德烈公爵直盯着安娜·帕夫洛夫娜的脸,发出了一阵冷笑。 Prince Andrey smiled sarcastically, looking straight into Anna Pavlovna's face.
- 嗨,快看那边! Hay, check that out!
- 主人嗨了一声,马就立刻停下来了。 The horse stop instantly at the hallo of its master.
- “嗨 'Him! 'ejaculated Birkin. 'Poor Gudrun, wouldn't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away! 'He was hugely delighted.
- 嗨,比尔,你这个老坏蛋!你好吗? Hey, Bill, you old son of a gun! How are you?
- 嗨!你! Hey! You !
- 嗨,乔! Hi, Joe!