- 你需要多少? How much do you need?
- 你需要多少钱? How much money do you need?
- 需要 needs
- 你需要多少汽油?五加仑能解决问题吗? How much oil do you require? Will five gallons see you through?
- 多少 how much
- 你需要多少鸡蛋? How many eggs do you need?
- 你需要多少钱? How much money do you require?
- 告诉我你需要什么。 Tell me what you need.
- 请将你需要洗的衣服放在纸袋中,并将衣物内容写下来。 Please put your laundry in the paper bag and write down the contents of the laundry on it.
- 请问你们需要多少数量的货物? May I know the quantity you require?
- 你需要休息。 You need a vacation.
- 我认为这项工作不需要多少时间就可完成。 I do not think it will take long to finish the work.
- 如果你需要帮什么忙,尽管开口。 If you need any help, just ask.
- 装满这个小池塘需要多少桶水? How many buckets of water will we need to fill this small pond?
- 现在你需要把强光部分画出来。 You need to put the highlight in now.
- 它需要多少钱? How much does it cost? =What does it cost?
- 你需要把饮用水过滤。 You need to filter the drinking water.
- 往返需要多少时间? How long does it take to go there and back?
- 你需要有一辆相当坚固耐用的车子穿越沙漠。 You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert.
- 宴会需要多少汤勺? How many spoons will be required at the party?